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May 02, 2010


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Mo aka Maureen aka Grandmother aka Mum

Praise God - literally! - that you are all safe and well. That was an excellent blog, Charles, as you took us from Kid's Camp to the crash and all that was involved in between.

Many hugs and much love from two other humbled Kids' Camp-ers, Mo and Grandad Blake. xox

Dad Lyons

Great blog....now the bad news. The judges conducted a recount and the GREEN APPLES are the top team.
I regret having to submit this fact.

Love to all....GDad Blake

Black, Black, Black Banana!

Are you sure, Blake, or is this just a case of sour apples? Although, I did hear that team had more seed money.

Erin  A.

So glad everyone was safe--I doubt the boys will soon forget that very scary reinforcement of lessons learned. And what a great way of teaching the kids about money at a level they can relate to . . . you and Tess are doing such a great job! Blessings to all of you,

KP - Yellowknife

Awesome is a good word for our God and your life.

Mel (Tess's friend in SA)

It's a great lesson how obedience precedes blessing and how God can only really keep us safe when we play by the rules. Our God is an awesome Guy indeed!

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