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May 23, 2009


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Mo aka Maureen aka Grandmother aka Mum

Thank you for writing this blog, Chuck. As always, I will be most interested in hearing more as the Spirit leads and you respond. How wonderful you could give of yourself and help this family when they were hurting so badly.

M xox


what a terrible loss for her family. it's just against the natural order for parents to bury a child.

Dad aka GDad Blake

I remember many years ago when a young girl died.Her father was a Doctor and I can only guess how he felt when he could not save her life.The one person whose pain really struck me was her grandfather. He was quite old and stood at attention beside me throughout the funeral service.He never sobbed but tears ran down his face cotinually.I will never forget that. He was a brave man.
Love to all....GDad Blake

Penny Caldwell

Thank you for sharing the video Charles. What a lovely tribute to a lovely young woman. I would have liked to know her.

Van Sales

I visited this blog first time and found it very interesting and informative.. Keep up the good work thanks..

air jordans

It is very nice for you to share your article to bloggers. I found that your article is so constructive and full with life wisdom. You must be a really mature guy!

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