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May 26, 2008


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Wow Charles...kids do bring us back to places we've forgotten a long time ago huh? I can't wait to have my own now. :-) And I'm amazed at what Sebastien did cos he must have really thought about it, and it goes to show that the sense of right and wrong instilled in him has shone through! God bless.

Auntie Pammie

Wow,, Good on Sebbie for coming clean with his little secret, I remember his mother blackmailing me for chocolate milks ( my entire allowance back then) for one month in order for her to not rat me out when she caught me at age 11....
Love to all xoxo


good on seb for confessing when no one pressed him to and good on you for showing grace and mercy. (oh, and glad ya hated the cigs....didn't inhale...teehee, where have i heard THAT before?)

Dad aka GDad Blake

Oh No!This is dreadful!! Like father like son..........OK....like a certain grandfather too.

Love to all GDad Blake


Man you have some sexy ladies in your building!

Tina W.

During one particular jag I watched Oprah a lot and she had Faith Hill on one day. As a special request Oprah asked Faith to sing the song she was using as a warm-up pre-show as it was Oprah's favorite. In fact Oprah recounted a whole story about it and how she used it at a particularly hard moment in life. Then Faith sang it and I saved that episode till my hard drive on Tivo failed. BEST recording of it I have ever heard but can't find it on digital music.

I'll check out the ones you just recommended though. Ta!


Hope you are recovering, sometimes you gotta take it easy on yourself. Have you ever tried yoga?

Lucy Moran

I love the photo of the 122 Girls!!! How I miss not being part it!


Hey Charles. Just popped in after not 'visiting' for awhile. Lots of things going on by you! It'll turn out just fine. Trust God! He wouldn't have laid this all on you if He didn't see the need for change!!
BUT can you post a sound bite of the song by Matt? I'd LOVE to hear it!!

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