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December 14, 2007


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too cute! i remember the days and having to bribe one of mine to walk down the aisle and pretend she was a sheep by offering her a twizzlers if she did it.

Dad aka Granddad Blake

Next stop for them.....BROADWAY!!

Love to all.....Dad

Maureen aka Mo (Grandmother)

The grandmother of the above angels and shepherd is speechless! How precious they are.

Love, M xox

Auntie Pammie

OMG!! They all look so sweet and innocent!!! I love the pics , thanxs for posting ...

Louise M

Very adorable, love the girl's Angel outfits. I can see why JJ has a few crushes already, you have a very dashing young man. (Sebastion is one also)


How cute! The girls look so angelic and JJ was a very handsome shepherd!


Hi Charles,
I just wanted to stop by and wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Autumn Storm

I'm always struck by what a beautiful family you have, Charles. :-)
Wishing you all very Merry Christmas of togetherness, love and joy and all the best for the year ahead, xo

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