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May 24, 2007


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Mo aka grandmother aka Mozilla aka Maureen

Ah Chuck, what a fine trip down memory lane. I will think a little about your melancholy - hmmmm, interesting. So glad you found your sheet music as I remember how much I enjoyed your playing our piano when you have been in Yellowknife. Enjoy your "days off" til your new job with Citrix starts in June :-)

Love, M xox


it's always a good feeling to discover a piece of your past you thought had gone missing, be that piece a ball, sheet music, a bracelet (i found mine recently), or an old friend.

as for the melancholy, it all just comes down to brain chemicals. of course, figuring out which ones, where, and how is the hard part.


nicely written Charles


Melancholy feelings are probably due to the fact that your childhood home won't be around for you to visit anymore. I had a similar feeling going through mine. Recalling all the memories, etc. My heart hurt when I left. That's the only way I know how to describe it.

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