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February 23, 2007


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Jack Daniel's Rose

Triplets with a birthday... and I thought my place was busy!

Happy Birthday to the little ones.



HAPPY BIRTHDAY times three!!!

Wishing you many smiles, much laughter and warm memories...these days go by too swiftly.


Uncle Joel & Aunty Odila

Hello hello our very dear Jasper, Sela and Carys. Viva!! What a beautiful day Feb 23rd is! 3 years ago, you 3 gorgeous little people came to be with us, to give us so much laughter, many many kisses and smooches with hugs and best of all, so much joy and uncle Joel and aunty Odila are only blessed by your presence. We wish the 3 of you, abundance of fun in a richly God blessed life. Thank you for being around for us. Love, kisses, hugs and many more Krispy Kremes to come, ok?

Uncle Joel and Aunty Odila


a very happy birthday to the triplets! you get a pass charles we know it's not for lack of effort or care.


Happy Birthday Jasper, Sela, and Carys!


Happy Birthday - Jasper, Carys & Sela!! Bubba hopes you each had a terrific day full of fun and laughter.


Louise M

Happy Birthday to Carys, Sela and Jasper. Hope your plans for the birthday party come together. Looking forward to the "Dora cake" video...

Maureen aka Mo aka Grandmother aka Mozilla

Charles!!!! 180 degree turn-around and know that you are one of the best dad's EVER!! Just ask the Fab Four :-)

Happy Happy Birthday to the precious threesome.

Much love, Mo xox

Grandad Blake

Charles your mother-in-law deems you to be a great dad.All modesty aside....WELCOME TO THE CLUB!!
Love and best wishes to the eight of you.


Happy belated birthday to the children.
Such a lovely picture, once again I am struck by what a beautiful family you have, Charles, yourself included, and though I may not know you well at all, this much is certain, you are a number one dad. :-) Hope you have/had a great party!


Happy Birthday Triplets! You will have fun even if its late!

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