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February 14, 2007


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I like how you manage to celebrate an essentially commercial holiday with such meaning and thought. It's heartening to see in an age when everybody is so focused on what one must buy to celebrate the day. I'm inspired by you once more, Charles.

Catching up on sleep? What's that?


gee, youcelebrate liek a family full of young kids...hehehe. seriously, special time together is all ti takes, and that costs nothing. happy valnetine's you two.

Maureen aka Mo aka Grandmother aka Mozilla

Happy Valentine's Day to all in the Caldwell household including De and Lita! Loved your annual Valentine's Day collage, Chuck - you are such a sweetheart and loving husband - no wonder Tess loves you like she does :-)

M xox

Jack Daniel's Rose

Hmmm, being single over there on a day like today would suck. Just saying.

Happy Valentines Day to you and yours!


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