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January 09, 2007


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Lucy Moran

I know what you mean Charles about wanting change. Stuart and I are at the same point - specifically with his current work and travel committments. There must be another way. But I ask myself are we being unreasonable in our expectations, all the past generations just accepted "work" as a necessary part of family life. But now Dad's, in particular, don't want to miss out on their kids growing up, while our lifestyles still require a substantial income from somewhere. It's a fine balance, let me know if you ever figure it out!
Cheers, Lucy


oh my stars....i can only imagine the mayhem of a gaggle of young kids hopped up on so much sugar! good thing you hit the playground before going home. i can just imagine the kids careening off walls otherwise. ah well, it's good to break the rules from time to time.

what do i want.....that could fill a month of blog posts, i'm afraid....


nothing like seeing the "hot fresh" sign lit at the local krispy kreme, eh? one of those southern traditions :).

what do i want? a bigger house, a newer car (one with three shoulder belts in the back seat), a swimming pool/hot tub, some type of extracurricular activity that involves nitriles and gel electrophoresis a couple days a week, a healthy baby under 8 lbs at birth, a masters degree program, and a clean(ish) home.

what am i likely to get? none of the above, although i'll probably actually work towards the last item and maybe even come close once in a while. national championship football team...wait, already got that :). booyah and GO GATORS!

thank you for the new pictures!


Ok so i'll delurk and post. I've actually posted comments when the trips were born. I've been following since and sent up many prayers for them and your family. I think you and tess are great parents and i've so enjoyed following you all over the years!!Tell us more about your spiritual callings. I can't tell you enough what great joy it brings me to read a blog where God is part of a family and not just someone random prayers are said to. You do seem to have a very stressful job that takes you all around the world. Like following that too!! You and Tess are very busy, i can't imagine!! Take care and I will enjoy reading about your new year wants!!


Wow, you guys are very brave to let someone get your triplets and Sebastian hopped up on Krispy Kreme. I'm an adult and feel the effects of one donut. I can't imagine what 3 would do a child.

What do I want? More hours in the day. There's just not enough time to do everything I want to get done. Since I can't have that, I want the ability to prioritize and restructure my life a little bit so that the important things get done.

Louise M

No Krispy Kreme's here on the island, closest is Vancouver. But Tim Horton's, now that's another story... I've done the friend's kids to TH for hot chocolate and donuts thing as well. The joy on their faces when they get to choose which donut they want, "priceless".


What I want is to really sit down and spend some time considering what I want and how to get there. Love your blog. Your family is beautiful, and your spiritual posts are very thought provoking. Thank you.

Maureen aka Mo aka Grandmother aka Mozilla

Dear Chuck:

I LOVE your blog! From the sounds of it Odila and Joel should be written into your Will - what a treat for the kidlets!! Seb looks like he is truly in orbit as he 'stands' beside Joel!
Love to you,

M xox


...I want more hours in the day, I want my children to slow down their growth into little boys, I want continued health for my family and me and most importantly, I want to reduce clutter - both physical and mental. I don't think that's asking a lot-right?

Beautiful post XXOO

Carol in North Vancouver

Happy New Year Charles & Tess! I love your blog which keeps me connected with you and your family. I want the time & means to complete my Masters degree. I want my children to be happy and successful in their lives. I want the time for Peter & I to enjoy each other and have lots of fun! xo


I read you all the time, but since you asked, I will post a comment today. What do I want? I want my next IVF cycle to work, and to be blessed with a sibling for my wonderful 3 yr old son, and another child to raise to love the Lord.

Vijay Krishna (ex Juniper)

Hi Charles,
I used to work @ Juniper India. Stumbled onto your blog at some point and visit it every now and then. My small comment would be -- I'm amazed at how you manage to pack so much into your life.

Resolutions: I didn't make resolutions, don't normally. But I might say -- I took a year off from work starting last April and have been having an amazing time finding myself beyond my 'corporate' person. My challenge is to be able to integrate all the authentic aspects of myself into a whole life

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