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January 29, 2007


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Auntie Pammie

thanxs for pics charles!!
Auntie P

Maureen aka Mo aka Grandmother aka Mozilla

The pics are manna from Heaven!

It is exciting and humbling to be 'along for the ride' as you step out in faith and surrender and trust, Chuck. We are there with you as we support you in prayer. Break Forth!

Love, M M xox

Jack Daniel's Rose

I like the finger painting...


its been awhile since i've posted here.... excited about all that is happening in your life.... someone once shared with me that the NT doesn't talk in terms of feeling called but in termss of GO!!! (see Matt 28).... in the midst of decerning all that God has for you do in terms of the Kingdom....don't forget your first call is to your family... not to Union, not to work, not to writing a book that I am sure will be amazing.... its easy for those called to forsake what is most important under the pretense that "the church needs me" "I've been called to this committee...." "work is the way I provide and I have to put in four times as much as every one else.." when in reality the biblcal model for true leadership is one of putting your family above all those things... those who don't have thier families in order aren't to be in positions of leadership in the church...(see Titus, James,Philemon)
You do have many gifts!!! And there are times Im not sure you are being called into full time ministry (which would scare anyone to death!!!) My prayer for you is that GO!!! You know your calling.... you know that God will take care of you....so GO!!! xo lyns

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