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January 03, 2007


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your family is so very interantional even across the generations! thanks for sharing that part of your history, very, very interesting. and that picture of you! oh my stars, the only thing that visually clued me into it not being one of your own kids was the discoloration of the photo giving away its age! too cute!!!

Louise M

I had to do a double take as well, thought the photo was Sebastion at first glance...

Jack Daniel's Rose

I hope your dad gets back safely...

You really have moved around a bit, haven't you?!


I thought it was Seb also, but wondered about the older tint to the photo. WOW! UNcanny!


I wish I could travel the world the way you have! I've been to London and Jamaica. And, Canada, but that doesn't really count :)


Your observations of life and family are nothing short of magical. Thanks for reaffirming why family, parenthood, and connections matter so much.

May 2007 bring you and your wonderful family continued joy. May your father's journey be safe.


That's pretty cool that your dad is doing that.

It's national de-lurking week, so here's a comment that will leave you going "who is this nut?" haha I already visited your lovely wife's blog as well and left her a comment.

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