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September 04, 2006


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Maureen aka Mo aka Grandmother aka Mozilla

Nice memories, Chuck. Glad you and the stingray did not have an "up close and personal" type meeting. As you know, I think it fantastic that you and your family embarked on this trip when you, Penny and Caroline were kids. What learning. What adventure.

M xox


If I may say, you look like such a little Sebbie in that shot.


Hi, and thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! Hong Kong sounds very exciting and exotic. I have a dear friend of mine who traveled there often a few years back (he is an artist for Disney) and he loved it there!


navigare necesse est vivere non est necesse
"to sail is necessary;
to live is not necessary"


we are all a bit sad about steve irwin. certainly glad you managed not to take a barb as a wee one.

re: the mila post. how blessed you were to have such a loving and devoted amah. peace to her always.

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