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July 07, 2006


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Maureen aka Mo aka Grandmother aka Mozilla

WONDERFUL that you are safely landed. Praise God! Have the greatest time visiting your family, Charles.

Love, M xox


Have a great visit here in Canada!!

Auntie Pammie

Glad to know you are "home".
Love a Anxiously awaiting Auntie Pammie xoxoxo


Ahhh Canada! I'll be close to there in a few weeks- Near Langley, Probably not near your parts though
Hurry Hurry !!!


glad to hear you have arrived safely. thank you for taking the time to update the fan club.


Yes, we sure appreciate the time you take to update us all. I saw Tess' blog. I am a regular reader. What a great idea for those sweet kids! Shoe shine! HOW FUN!!

I know Tess will have a good time staying so long. The kids will look forward to these yearly trips to their parents' native land.

I spent seven weeks one summer with my kids at my parents' in Saskatchewan. Much as I love my family and having the kids form memories and bond with them, it gets to be a bit too long. Getting back to one's own bed and routine is always blissful, even though I do adore Canada and wish I could raise my kids there:)

Too bad we can't spend 2 weeks every 3-4 months or something, eh??? That would be ideal.

Have a great visit!

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