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July 20, 2006


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Auntie Pammie

I mentioned to your wife on her blog site that I wont be able to wear my bikini near her, she looks amazing!!!


yes, you do.

and thank you for not only recognizing that, but actually saying it. "it goes without saying," just isn't true really.


She is STUNNING! I also commented on her blog:)

No wonder she doesn't mind you posting these! I wouldn't either if I looked like that again!

You are all very blessed.


Just skimmed through the photos. Will look in more detail later.

That is SO NEAT to see your school!??! I bet they didn't have that fun red slide, etc when you attended, eh???

TIMBITS! YUM!! I am DYING for an Iced Cap!!! WAAAHHHHH!!!

The photos are lovely. You all look healthy and happy. I often think back to the scary weeks when the trips were just born...I prayed SO fervently. I remember being in tears sometimes and just pleading with God to make those babies well. This is what I prayed that I would see in the near future. Photos of all of you together and the kids forming memories and playing with cousins, etc...God is SO GOOD!

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