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April 03, 2005


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Thank-you for a beautiful first post. You are experiencing joy in your life, but it is shadowed by the sorrow and pain that you have experienced and will experience. Only those who have been to the bottom of the deepest valley, and have started the long climb out, understand your feelings of "No Joy".


The infamous Mag Charles! So glad to "meet" you and welcome you to the blog world.

While our conceptions and births of our family are different in your family, I personally understand how you are feeling with "no joy." I battle with depression and it's very hard. Blogging helps me stay sane. Good luck with your blog-I hope it provides comfort to you like it does for me.

I'm off to pop on to your wife's site-check out how she is doing as well.

Take Care

Auntie Pammie

Hey Charles,

I was so touched by your blog ( good on you for doing one). I know Tess has found hers very therapeutic and I hope yours will do the same for you.
I now have a much better understanding and respect for what you and Tess have gone through over the past year.

For us on the sidelines it has been hard witnessing and supporting the trips milestones as we are so far away. We cheer when things go right and we cry when things dont. I can only imagine how hard it is for you both to be able to celebrate the smallest of "milestones" when it has been a "car crash " experience for you.

I do trust that you will be able to enjoy and allow yourselves some time to really enmbrace the beauty of this life and what it has to offer us. If there is one thing I am learning this week , it is that you gotta try to make the best of what we have, cuz we only get one kick at the can.

Ok, enough rambling for me.
Love to you all,

Ps)please give "rasperries" to all the kids for me , and tell Sebbie that Auntie Pammie is looking forward to eating Girl Guide cookies with him this summer.


"I am in God's hands now"...there is no better place to be. There is no safer place to be. You are exactly where you should be, doing precisely what you were called for. We were never promised it would be easy, but we are assured that the payoff is out of this world.

Hold them tight...your 4 precious miracles. Joy is coming!


Beautiful writing, Charles. Your love of family is overwhelmingly evident.

Mo aka Mum aka Maureen

Dear Charles:

Thank you so much for sharing from the heart as you have. Very few of us have experienced what you and Tess have nor have we had to wend our way through a vicious car wreck as you have. And because of that we cannot fully understand the depths of your "No Joy" but we do totally support you both and commend you for your sacrificial and overwhelming love for the triplets. Yes, you, Tess, Sebastian and the Terrific Trio are safe in His hands and as Amber said, "...there is no better place to be".

God bless you, Chuck. And inspite of the valley you find yourself in you are an outstanding father and we love you.

M xox


that was simply beautiful and eloquent.


where there is life, joy sometimes whispers.

you have joy, you just call it differently, it doesn't 'feel' like we have been taught it should feel.

life = joy.

you disagree?

imagine losing what you have. (which, i am certain you have done, ??)

contrast gives joy.

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