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April 20, 2005


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What a great post - and I am thrilled that the joy of your triplets is starting to come. Hope that every day you get a little bit more of it.


it's very hard to feel joy when you live in fear. i'm glad to see that the fear is abating.

Mo aka Mum aka Maureen

Chuckles! What a delightful blog. I could 'feel' the morning and your slowly growing joy was infectious. Thanks so much for the recent video of the kidlets. It is so dear and the pictures you posted are wonderful. They are a delight in their innocence, wonder, sweet smiles, jerky movements and joie de vivre. Tess will be home to you soon! Thank you so much for sparing her to come to Vancouver. She and Pam have given such help and support and love to Gran. She has missed you all very much, I know, and will so glad to see you.

Much love, M xox

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