📈 Starting a new job? Here are ten tips that will get you off to a great start. Some of them are basic but still important to remember.
Have a read below and let me know if there is anything you would add!
1️⃣ Be punctual: Arrive on time for work and meetings to show that you are reliable and take your job seriously.
2️⃣ Dress appropriately: Dress professionally and in accordance with the dress code of your workplace. Ask ahead of time about the dress code in case you are uncertain.
3️⃣ Be friendly and polite: Remember, you will be making a lot of "first impressions" in the early days. Make an effort to introduce yourself to your colleagues. Be polite and friendly to everyone you meet.
4️⃣ Listen and learn: Take time to listen and learn from your colleagues and supervisors. Be open to feedback and ask questions to understand your role and responsibilities better. Specifically learn how decisions are made, how budgets are set and managed... and how your boss is measured on their success.
5️⃣ Set goals: Set goals for yourself and work towards achieving them. This will help you stay motivated and focused on your job. You'll have lots of early insights into things that could be changed, improved, or done differently. Keep a journal/list of these insights and tuck them away for rainy days or future goals.
6️⃣ Be organised: Keep your workspace organised and manage your time effectively to ensure that you meet deadlines to make those early impressions positive.
7️⃣ Build relationships: Build positive relationships with your colleagues and supervisors. This will help you work more effectively as part of a team and could lead to new opportunities in the future. Everyone you meet is a future resource and potential ambassador for you.
8️⃣ Show initiative: Take the initiative to offer help to your colleagues or to suggest new ideas that could benefit the company. Remember that list under Point 5 above.
9️⃣ Be adaptable: Be adaptable and flexible in your approach to work. Be open to new ideas and ways of working, and be willing to learn and try new things. It will take time to adapt to the company's culture and things might be different from what you are accustomed to. Maintain flexibility!
🔟 Stay Positive: Maintain a positive attitude and stay enthusiastic about your new job. This will help you to overcome any challenges and enjoy your work. Lots of people get cynical about their company over time. Don't let this happen - have every day be a new day.
Good luck and congratulations on your new job!
You can find the original LinkedIn post here, prior to my turning it into an article.
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